
We want your What’s On event listing to reach the widest audience possible. This means using quality images. Learn more about the following:

Main image

A main image is required for every event listing. It will appear as a tile in lists, and as the feature on your event page.

  • File types allowed: JPG, PNG, GIF
  • File size (maximum): 4MB

Photos are best for event listings. If taking a suitable photo is difficult, you can select one from our image library, free of charge.

No logos, clip art or scans of flyers! Text can be cropped out or unreadable on mobile devices.

Use photographic images and make your event shine.

Images must fill the entire frame without any white space. Also, we can't accept combined images. Only upload one image per frame.

Your listing will benefit from additional images. These are shown below the event description.

If you want to add additional images, a minimum of 3 is required.

  • File types allowed: JPG, PNG, GIF
  • File size (maximum): 4MB


Artwork: Artist.
Campbell’s Soup Cans: Andy Warhol.

Photography credits –
Image: John Doe

Tools to edit images

There are many free programs on Windows, Mac and Linux that will help you crop and edit images. Search for "free image editing software".

Or, you can use Pixlr or Promo in your browser.

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