Disability-inclusive events

Inclusive and accessible events allow everybody to enjoy the social and cultural life Sydney has to offer. 

Guidelines for disability-inclusive events

The City of Sydney has developed guidelines that outline key access and inclusion considerations. Refer to these guidelines when planning and producing events. 

Disability-inclusive tag
A disability-inclusive tag can be added to your event listing to help people find your event. Only include the disability-inclusive tag if your event follows the 4 principles and meets the minimum requirements below.

Disability-inclusive event principles

The following 4 principles provide a framework for planning inclusive and accessible events.

Accessible venues and spaces: Ensure that your event is held in an accessible venue or outdoor space. Promote the access features within your marketing material or website so that people with disability can make an informed decision about attending.

Opportunities for inclusive participation and experiences: People with disability can experience the event in an inclusive manner. Communication at events such as presentations, speeches and announcements is provided in accessible formats.

Accessible materials and information: Event marketing and invitations include contact information so people with disability can speak directly to someone to discuss any specific access needs or requirements.

Staff awareness and attitudes: All staff are welcoming and confident to communicate with people with disability and have sound disability awareness.

Accessible venues and spaces

Minimum requirements for disability-inclusive events:

  • An accessible entrance to the event with no stairs.
  • A continuous path of travel throughout the event without obstructions such as signs or stairs.
  • Avoid uneven ground surfaces such as grass or gravel on the path of travel. Where unavoidable, provide access matting.
  • Provide 1 wheelchair accessible toilet per 10 standard toilets.

Other things to consider:

  • Temporary structures are accessible to everyone.
  • Event wayfinding and signage is easy to read, with large font, good colour contrast and simple iconography.

Opportunities for inclusive participation

Minimum requirements for disability-inclusive events:

  • Provide appropriate seating for a variety of people, including people using wheelchairs dispersed with non-wheelchair spaces. Provide seating options with arm and back rests.
  • Deaf people or people who are hard of hearing can choose seats with clear sightlines to Auslan interpreters and captioning.
  • People with low vision can sit close to the stage or presenter.
  • Accessible counter heights around 800mm to 850mm.
  • Assistance animals such as Guide Dogs are accommodated, including an easily accessed outdoor grassy area for toilet breaks.

Other things to consider:

  •  A quiet space close to the event for people on the autism spectrum to access if they need to de-sensitise and relax.
  •  An accessible viewing area for everyone, including people who use wheelchairs and others who prefer to sit.

Accessible materials and information

Minimum requirements for disability-inclusive events:

  • Marketing and invitations should include contact details. This will allow participants to advise about any accessibility requirements. Government agencies should ensure that all digital communications comply with WCAG 2.1 Web Accessibility Standards.

Other things you might want to consider:

  • A dedicated accessibility web page that outlines key access features of the event.
  • Provide downloadable documents in accessible formats (such as Word or PDFs formatted for accessibility).

Staff attitudes and awareness

Staff working at events should be aware of:

  • the access features such as accessible viewing areas, accessible toilets, ramps and paths
  • key access information and services, such as Auslan interpreters, captioning and/or assistive technology (hearing loops)
  • the emergency evacuation procedures for everyone, including people with disability.

Further information


City of Sydney
02 9265 9333

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